19 entrepreneurs received starting funding from the former Nurpur MLA Ajay Mahajan today at Raja Ka Bagh. Mahajan, the head of the Kangra District Congress Committee, donated Rs 12 lakh as part of the “Idea 10 lakh ka” competition that he had started on September 23 for the Nurpur Assembly district.
The prize money for the contest was Rs 5 lakh, Rs 3 lakh, and Rs 2 lakh, respectively, for the winners, runners-up, and second runner-up categories. Each category’s money was divided among three people. Ten more people received consolation prizes of Rs 20,000 apiece.
Raj Zutshi, a Bollywood actor who served on the jury to choose the contest winners, served as the chief guest and gave the awards. He promised to look into the possibilities of establishing a film city in the Nurpur region.
According to Mahajan, the startup ideas given by the participants included establishing agro-based companies, solid waste management facilities, and post-harvest residual processing and storage facilities.